Indicazioni e controindicazioni per godere pienamente di tutti i benefici che il massaggio tailandese può offrire a chiunque voglia scoprire le virtù di una pratica che regala benessere.
Fortemente influenzato dalla medicina indiana ayurvedica e dalla pratica dello yoga, il massaggio thai tradizionale, favorito dagli intensi scambi commerciali esistenti ai tempi fra i due paesi attraverso la famosa " via della seta", integra anche conoscenze derivate dalla medicina cinese.
Si pensa che il corpo umano abbia circa 72.000 linee energetiche. Il massaggio tailandese ne predilige 10 chiamate Sen sulle quali lavora attraverso un approccio globale che usa mani, dita, piedi, gomiti, avambracci, ginocchia attraverso palmopressioni e digitopressioni.
Il corpo viene poi allungato, stirato e manipolato in modo gentile e profondo secondo tecniche paragonate allo yoga passivo.
I più importanti benefici dell'antico massaggio tailandese sono legati a un senso di profondo rilassamento:
•la pressione esercitata sui piedi e sulle gambe attraverso palmopressioni e digitopressioni produce un effetto sedativo profondo
•sblocco dei punti di tensione nel corpo permettendo il libero flusso dell'energia vitale inducendo omeostasi, equilibrio, armonia
•aumento della flessibilità e del movimento attraverso un gentile e profondo allungamento muscolare che aiuta a riposturizzare l'apparato muscolo-scheletrico
•mantenimento del corretto allineamento della postura del corpo.
E' quindi adatto per:
•rafforzare gli organi interni e migliorare la circolazione del sangue e linfatica favorendo il corretto drenaggio dei liquidi
•attenuare le tensioni del tessuto muscolare e connettivo
•alleviare la sintomatologia dolorosa nei disturbi quali cefalee, dolori cervicali, mal di schiena e affezioni articolari
•migliorare la mobilità dei segmenti scheletrici
•rafforzare le funzioni neurologiche, alleviare condizioni degenerative associate al processo di invecchiamento e al periodo della menopausa
•combattere l'insonnia e lo stress
•promuovere pace interiore e benessere mentale.
Le controindicazioni sono legate a gravi problemi cardiaci, ernie discali, osteoporosi, processi tumorali, flebite, vene varicose.
Il vero massaggio tailandese dura da un'ora e mezza alle alle tre ore in genere. La durata minima per effettuare un buon trattamento è di 1ora e mezzo.
Marina Cremonesi
Crash diets lead to crash landing!
December 17th, 2010.
The season of good food and loads of alcohol is here! It is that time of the year where you are endlessly eating fatty food and having a party and drinking alcohol and letting yourself go. You don’t think of the aftereffects when the present is this much fun. If you don’t think about it now, then don’t think about it later.
The point of the matter is this- Crash diets are not the answer.
It’s a world where the smaller size has larger value, especially with women. It’s a matter of self esteem and self confidence for women to have that perfect body that we see on television or the hoardings around.
Here are some crash diets that will do nothing healthy to lose weight but crash the normal working of your body systems.
The most common diet that we have heard of is the banana diet. As the name suggests it just includes eating bananas for breakfast, as many as you can fit in. Ayurveda says that bananas contain kapha which is cold and heavy energy which might actually have a counterproductive reaction and people might just end up putting on weight.
The next fruit diet is the grapefruit diet which involves eating half a grapefruit and drinking unsweetened grape juice before each meal. The fruit is known to contain enzymes that speed up the burning down process within the body which results in the quick burning down of food. But this is unhealthy as well since it burns down carbohydrates, proteins and fats that are required in normal amounts which will result in malnourishment.
The next one is the fruit juice diet which involves consuming only fruit juices. This cuts out the fiber and proteins required by your body. Consuming whole fruits seems like a healthier option. The fruit juice diet might just be worse if you include protein supplements along with it to compensate.
The last one is the cabbage soup diet. Cabbage is known for its high fiber content and its detoxifying properties but it also causes discomfort in your body by increasing the gas. It also results in abdominal uneasiness. It also deprives you of other nutrients causing malnourishment.
The moral of the story is this- eat healthy, exercise, keep the food consumption in check, keep all the nutrients required in your daily diet intact and don’t rely on anything that sounds like crash diets.
The season of good food and loads of alcohol is here! It is that time of the year where you are endlessly eating fatty food and having a party and drinking alcohol and letting yourself go. You don’t think of the aftereffects when the present is this much fun. If you don’t think about it now, then don’t think about it later.
The point of the matter is this- Crash diets are not the answer.
It’s a world where the smaller size has larger value, especially with women. It’s a matter of self esteem and self confidence for women to have that perfect body that we see on television or the hoardings around.
Here are some crash diets that will do nothing healthy to lose weight but crash the normal working of your body systems.
The most common diet that we have heard of is the banana diet. As the name suggests it just includes eating bananas for breakfast, as many as you can fit in. Ayurveda says that bananas contain kapha which is cold and heavy energy which might actually have a counterproductive reaction and people might just end up putting on weight.
The next fruit diet is the grapefruit diet which involves eating half a grapefruit and drinking unsweetened grape juice before each meal. The fruit is known to contain enzymes that speed up the burning down process within the body which results in the quick burning down of food. But this is unhealthy as well since it burns down carbohydrates, proteins and fats that are required in normal amounts which will result in malnourishment.
The next one is the fruit juice diet which involves consuming only fruit juices. This cuts out the fiber and proteins required by your body. Consuming whole fruits seems like a healthier option. The fruit juice diet might just be worse if you include protein supplements along with it to compensate.
The last one is the cabbage soup diet. Cabbage is known for its high fiber content and its detoxifying properties but it also causes discomfort in your body by increasing the gas. It also results in abdominal uneasiness. It also deprives you of other nutrients causing malnourishment.
The moral of the story is this- eat healthy, exercise, keep the food consumption in check, keep all the nutrients required in your daily diet intact and don’t rely on anything that sounds like crash diets.
India and Malaysia tie up for Ayurvedic research
December 18th, 2010.
After the Ayurveda Congress, Malaysia is impressed with the ancient medicinal system and has now collaborated with India to explore the potential of natural herbs in the Forest Research Institute, Malaysia (FIRM). The president of the Malaysian Society for Complementary Medicine, Dr. Lee Chee Peng said that he has invited the National Institute of Unani Medicine in Bangalore to start off with the research of natural herbs.
This invitation was extended when he had attended the Fourth World Ayurveda Congress that was held in Bangalore. He was here with a nine-member team from his society to the four-day Ayurveda congress, which ended on Monday.
Dr Lee said that India had about 9,000 natural herbs, out of which only 300 were exported to Malaysia. He also added that there was a lot of demand for traditional medicines in Malaysia and that about 70% of the population made use of this medicinal system. Dr Lee, who is chairman of International, Scientific and Research Council for Complementary Medicine, said that he is working very hard to set up a head office of the council in Malaysia soon.
After the Ayurveda Congress, Malaysia is impressed with the ancient medicinal system and has now collaborated with India to explore the potential of natural herbs in the Forest Research Institute, Malaysia (FIRM). The president of the Malaysian Society for Complementary Medicine, Dr. Lee Chee Peng said that he has invited the National Institute of Unani Medicine in Bangalore to start off with the research of natural herbs.
This invitation was extended when he had attended the Fourth World Ayurveda Congress that was held in Bangalore. He was here with a nine-member team from his society to the four-day Ayurveda congress, which ended on Monday.
Dr Lee said that India had about 9,000 natural herbs, out of which only 300 were exported to Malaysia. He also added that there was a lot of demand for traditional medicines in Malaysia and that about 70% of the population made use of this medicinal system. Dr Lee, who is chairman of International, Scientific and Research Council for Complementary Medicine, said that he is working very hard to set up a head office of the council in Malaysia soon.
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